
- Call toll free 1(844)679-0111 for all booking inquires. Remember, our Emergency Call Center is OPEN 24/7 -
 - Don't have an appointment, that's okay, walk in's are always welcome at 5610 48th Avenue Camrose Ab. -

 Our full day, Ground Disturbance - For Supervisors course deals with any mechanical or hand disturbance of soil. This course includes ground disturbance for workers along with ground disturbance for supervisors and meets or exceeds all applicable legislation. 

Participants will learn:

- How to clarify sources when searching for underground facilities,
- How to provide notification to the facility owner and receive owner notification.
- The necessary approvals/crossing agreements and regulations necessary before creating a ground disturbance.
- To create a plot plan/site drawing, gain an understanding of line locating and learn about types of exposure.
- How to do a back-fill inspection, as well as how to use permits and conduct pre-job meetings.
- Emergency response plans and what to do in case an underground facility is contacted are also covered.

The ICON Ground Disturbance - For Supervisors training course is a fresh new perspective on the requirements when performing ground disturbances. 

Ground Disturbance - For Supervisors -  | ICON | $155.00 per person

Course Starts at 8:30 am

Ground Disturbance For Suoervisors - ICON SAFETY CONSULTING INC.
Online Coures Registration Form - ICON SAFETY CONSULTING INC.